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CEREC is a revolutionary system that enables us to design, fabricate and fit a new restoration (crown, bridge veneer, onlay or inlay) in a single visit - a procedure that would normally take at least two weeks, if not more. Your tooth is prepared in the normal way, and then scanned using a special digital camera to create an impression, rather than the traditional putty impression material. The scans are used to create 3D models of your teeth that we use to design a perfectly fitting restoration. We then mill your new restoration on site using special ceramic blocks - glazing it in a special furnace before it is ready to fit. 

why do Patients love Cerec technology?

  • No metal – these crowns are made of a special ceramic that mimics the natural translucency of teeth. Traditional crowns were made of metal covered with a layer of porcelain, making crowns dull in appearance and darker than the natural teeth. The metal could become visible and unsightly if the porcelain chipped away, or the gum receded. This is not a problem with CEREC restorations.

  • No temporaries – there is no need to fit a temporary crown as the crowns can be made in one single appointment. Temporaries are often not the correct colour and can come off if not looked after properly.

  • No messy impressions – many patients complain about the feeling of having dental impressions taken with the dental putty. As the teeth are scanned digitally, the procedure is much more comfortable.

  • Only one visit needed –as the crown is made in one appointment, this means only one day taken off work and only one injection needed to numb the tooth.